Olsen, A. C. (7-coauthors).
Creating usable space for a sagebrush obligate through mechanical conifer removal. (in press) Wildlife Soc Bull
Dahlgren, D.K., E.J. Blomberg, C. A. Hagen, and R. D. Elmore.
(in press) Upland game bird harvest management, In: Harvest of Fish and Wildlife: New Paradigms for Sustainable Management, eds. K. Pope & L. Powell. CRC Press.
Olsen, A. C. (7-coauthors).
Reversing native tree expansion yields population-level benefit for imperiled bird. 2021. Ecosphere
Pavlacky, D. (5-coauthors). 2021.
Private land conservation programs scale-up to meet population recovery goals for the most vulnerable grassland birds. Conservation Biology.
Anthony, C. R., C. A. Hagen, K. Dugger, and R. D. Elmore. 2021.
Nest microclimates of Greater Sage-Grouse in a post-megafire landscape: does selection equate to success? Ornithological Applications
Kaufmann, K.L. (7-coauthors). 2021.
Role of the thermal environment in scaled quail (Callipepla squamata) nest site selection and survival. J. Thermal Biology
Kraft, J. (8-coauthors).
Managing Herbaceous Structure for a Heterogeneity-Dependent Bird. J. Wildl Manage (2020)
Schindler, A., D. Haukos, C. A. Hagen, and B. Ross. 2020
A multi-species approach to manage effects of land cover and weather on upland game birds. Ecology and Evolution
Donlan, J., C. A. Hagen, A. Santo, G. Luque, and M. Sorice.
Exploring Barriers to Participation in At-risk Species Conservation Programs. 2020. Hum Dimensions of Wildlife
Hagen, C.A. et al. (6-coauthors). 2020.
Multi-scale occupancy of the lesser prairie-chicken: the role of private lands in conservation of an imperiled bird. Avian Conservation and Ecology
Schindler, A., D. Haukos, C. A. Hagen, and B. Ross. 2020.
A decision support tool to prioritize candidate landscapes for lesser prairie-chicken conservation. Landscape Ecol. doi.org/10.1007/s10980-020-01024-6
Blomberg, E. J., and C. A. Hagen. 2020.
How many leks does it take? Minimum samples sizes for measuring local-scale conservation outcomes in Greater Sage-grouse. Avian Conservation and Ecology
Anthony, C. R., C. A. Hagen, K. Dugger, and R. D. Elmore. 2020.
The effects of fire on the thermal environment of sagebrush communities. J. Thermal Biology
Smith, J. T. et al (8-coauthors). 2020.
Sage-grouse: fine scale specialist or shrub steppe generalist? J. Wildlife Management
Naugle, D. E. et al. (8-coauthors). 2019.
CEAP quantifies conservation outcomes for wildlife and people on western grazing lands. Rangelands DOI 10.1016/j.rala.2019.07.004
Sullins et al. (12-coauthors). 2019.
Strategic conservation for lesser prairie-chickens among landscapes of varying anthropogenic influence. Biol Conservation 238: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2019.108213
Maestas, J. D., C. A. Hagen, (7-co-authors). 2019.
Mule deer juniper use is an unreliable indicator of habitat quality: Comments on Coe et al. (2018). J. Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21582
Hagen, C. A., K. A. Taylor, A. Bartuszevige, A. B. Daniels, and M. T. DeLeon. 2019.
Slowing the tide of mesquite invasion: using a flagship species to deliver conservation triage to desertification of grasslands. J. Arid Environments
Foster, L. J., K. M. Dugger, C. A. Hagen, and D. A. Budeau. 2019.
Potential effects of GPS transmitters on greater sage-grouse survival in a post-fire landscape. Wildlife Biology
Harryman, S. W., B.A. Grisham, C. W. Boal, S. Kahl, R. Martin, and C.A. Hagen. 2019.
Multi-scale habitat selection of lesser prairie-chickens in an agriculture-Conservation Reserve Program land matrix. J. Fish & Wildlife Management. 10:126-136
Foster, L. J., K. M. Dugger, C. A. Hagen, and D. A. Budeau. 2019.
Greater sage-grouse vital rates after wildfire. J. of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21573
Lautenbach, J.M. et al. (8 co-authors). 2019.
Factors influencing nesting ecology of lesser prairie-chickens. J. Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21582
Meyers, A. R., (6 co-authors). 2018.
Temporal variation in breeding season survival and cause specific mortality of lesser prairie-chickens. J. Fish & Wildlife Management 9: 507-518.
Plumb, R. T. et al. (8 co-authors). 2018.
Lesser prairie-chicken space use among landscapes in response to anthropogenic structures. J. Wildlife Management DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21561
Hagen, C. A., J. E. Sedinger, and C. E. Braun. 2018.
Estimating sex-ratio, survival and harvest susceptibility in greater sage-grouse: making the most of hunter harvests. Wildlife Biology DOI: 10.2981/wlb.00362
Ross, B. E., D. A. Haukos, C. A. Hagen, and J. C. Pitman. 2018.
Combining multiple sources of data to inform conservation of lesser prairie-chicken populations. Auk 135:228-239
Robinson, S. (10-coauthors). 2018.
Effects of landscape characteristics on annual survival of lesser prairie-chickens. American Midland Naturalist. 180: 66-86
Fritts, S., B. Grisham, R. Cox, C. Boal, D. Haukos, P. McDaniel, and C.A. Hagen.
2018. Interactions between drought and grazing on on the life history of a bioindicator. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4432
Sullins, D. (9-coauthors) Demographic Consequences of Conservation Reserve Program Grasslands for Lesser Prairie-Chickens. 2018.
Journal of Wildlife Management DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21553
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Lesser Prairie-Chicken Population Forecasts and Extinction Risks: An Evaluation 5 Years Post-Catastrophic Drought? Wildlife Society Bulletin.41:624-638
Spencer, D., D. A. Haukos, C. A. Hagen, M. Daniels, and D. Goodin.
Conservation Reserve Program mitigates grassland loss in the lesser prairie-chicken range of Kansas. Global Ecology and Conservation. 9: 21-38.
Coates, P., M A. Ricca, B. G. Prochazka, M. L. Brooks, E. J. Blomberg, K. E. Doherty, C. A. Hagen, and M. L. Casazza. 2016.
Wildfire, Climate, and Invasive Grass Interactions Negatively Impact an Indicator Species by Reshaping Sagebrush Ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 45: 12745–12750.
Severson, J.P., C. A. Hagen, J. D. Maestas, D. E. Naugle, J. T. Forbes, and K. P. Reese. 2016.
Conifer Encroachment Effects on Sage-Grouse Nest-Site Selection in Southeastern Oregon. Journal of Wildlife Management online early, 10.1002/jwmg.21183
Miller, R., J.D. Maestas, D. E. Naugle, G. Hall, and C.A. Hagen.
Special issue: Targeted woodland removal to recover at-risk grouse and their sagebrush-steppe and prairie ecosystems Rangeland Ecology and Management online early.
Boggie, M.A., C. R. Strong, D. Lusk, S. A. Carleton, W. R. Gould, R. L. Howard, C. Nichols, M. Falkowski, and C. A. Hagen. 2016
Impacts of mesquite distribution on seasonal space use of lesser prairie-chickens. Rangeland Ecology and Management. online early.
Falkowski, M. J., et al (9 co-authors).
Mapping tree canopy in support of proactive prairie grouse conservation in western North America. 2016. Rangeland Ecology and Management online early
Severson, J.P., C. A. Hagen, J. D.Maestas, D. E. Naugle, J. T. Forbes, and K. P. Reese. 2016.
Short-term response of sage-grouse nesting to conifer removal in the northern Great Basin. Rangeland Ecology and Management: online early
Lautenbach, J. M., R. Plumb, S. Robinson, D. Haukos, J. Pitman and C. A. Hagen. 2016.
Lesser Prairie-Chicken avoidance of trees in a grassland landscape. Rangeland Ecology and Management online early
Hagen, C.A., D. C. Pavlacky, K. Adachi, F.E. Hornsby, T.J. Rintz, and L.L. McDonald. 2016.
Multiscale occupancy modeling provides insights into range-wide conservation needs of lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus palldicinctus). Condor 118: 597-612.
Ross, B., D. A. Haukos, C.A. Hagen, and J. C. Pitman. 2016.
Landscape composition creates a threshold influencing Lesser Prairie-Chicken population resilience to drought. Global Ecology and Conservation. 6:179-188.
Robinson, S., D. Haukos, R. Plumb, C. A. Hagen, J. Pitman, J. Lautenbach, J. Kraft, D. Sullins, and J. Lautenbach. 2016.
Lesser prairie-chickens fence collision risk across its northern distribution. Journal of Wildlife Management 80: 906-915.
Oyler-McCance, S., J. Johnson, R. DeYoung, M. Patten, L. Larrson, and C. A. Hagen. 2016.
Lesser Prairie-Chicken Genetics a Potpourri of bottlenecks, hybrids, range expansion, and possible introgression. Conservation Genetics 17: 643-660.
Ross, B., D. A. Haukos, C.A. Hagen, and J. C. Pitman. 2016.
The relative contribution of variation in climate to changes in Lesser Prairie-Chicken abundance. Ecosphere 7.
Garton, O., C.A. Hagen, G. Beauprez, S. Kyle, J. Pitman, D. Schoeling, and W. Van Pelt. 2016.
Population Dynamics of the Lesser Prairie-Chicken. Pg. 49-76, In D. Haukos and C. Boal, editors. Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie Chickens, Studies in Avian Biology.
Haukos, D. A., A. Flanders, J.C. Pitman, and C.A. Hagen. 2016.
Lesser prairie-chickens of the sand sagebrush prairie. Pg, 281-298. In D. Haukos and C. Boal, editors. Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie Chickens, Studies in Avian Biology.
Hagen, C.A. and D. Elmore. 2016.
Conclusions, synthesis, and future directions. Pg., 345-351. In D. Haukos and C. Boal, editors. Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie Chickens, Studies in Avian Biology.
Donnelly, P., D. Naugle, J. Maestas, and C.A. Hagen. 2016.
Public lands and private waters: wetland scarcity and land tenure structure sage-grouse distributions. Ecosphere 7.