Christian Hagen

Senior Research, Associate Professor
Fisheries, Wildlife, & Conservation sciences, Oregon State University

The foundation of my research program is one of co-produced science that has led directly to actionable knowledge and coupling wildlife resources with human dimensions in working landscapes. My research has always been practical and strives to be proactive in tackling imminent natural resource issues, including the effects wildfire and invasive grasses, juniper encroachment and its removal on space use and demography of wildlife in upland systems. More recently, I have begun work in wetland systems of the Klamath Basin trying to understand the role of seedbanks and restoration efforts to establish sub-emergent aquatic vegetation, and unraveling the mysteries of the western meta-population of Yellow Rail that resides here.

  • Oregon State University
    Dept of Fisheries, Wildlife & Conservation Sciences
    Corvallis, OR 97331
  • 541-410-0238

Professional Societies

  • 2011-Present

    Senior Research, Dept Fisheries, Wildlife, & Conservation Sciences, Oregon State University

  • 2004-2011

    Sage Grouse Conservation Coordinator, Oregon Dept of Fish & Wildlife

  • 2006-2010

    Instructor Cascades Campus, Oregon State University (1 course per year)

  • 2003

    Post-doc Kansas State University

  • 2003

    Ph.D., Systematics and Ecology, Kansas State University

  • 1999

    M.N.R.M, Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba

  • 1993

    B.A., Political Science, Fort Lewis College

Professional societies
  • American Ornithology Society (1999)
  • Cooper Ornithological Society (1998)
  • International Grouse Specialist Group (2000)
  • Prairie Grouse Technical Council (1998)
  • Sage & Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Tech Committee (1998)
  • The Wildlife Society (1997)
  • Wilson Ornithological Society (2000)
  • Raptor Research Foundation (2023)
Selective Professional service
  • Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Wildlife Biology (2014-present)
  • Chair, NIFA Maintaining Resilient Sagebrush-Rural Communities
  • FWS, Special Status Assessment Team, Lesser Prairie-Chicken
  • OR Chapter Wildlife Society, Board Member (2021-23)
  • National Science Foundation, EPScor Reviewer (2018,2022)
  • OR Watershed Enhancement Board, Reviewer (2015-present)
  • IUCN, “Green List” Evaluation Committee (2018-present)
  • Academic Editor, PLOSone, (2014-2018)