Greater Sage-Grouse Resources
The story of a major effort
to save the greater sage-grouse.
This iconic bird is in trouble and on a collision
course with human demands on the
sagebrush landscape.
By Mike McKinlay

Christian Hagen and the Sage Grouse
In this “I Am Angus” segment, wildlife biologist
Christian Hagen discusses the contributions of
ranchers and private landowners to preserve
and protect the sage grouse.
Christian Hagen & the life of Sage Grouse
In this episode of “OUr natural world Presentation Series”
Christian Hagen, Oregon state University discusses the biology, conservation, and science behind the sage grouse.
It was a Dark and (Slightly) Stormy
Night in Grouse Country…
A writer and videographer tag along with an OSU
doctoral student for a night of sage-grouse field research
By Chris Branam

“Science to Solutions”
Enter the Sage Grouse Initiative, a new paradigm
for conserving at-risk wildlife through voluntary
cooperation, incentives, and community support.
beaver state podcast – odfw
We cover their biology, conservation efforts and hunting these fascinatingly iconic birds

Lesser Prairie-Chicken Resources
Boom or Bust?
The Wildlife Society Highlights Lesser Prairie-Chicken
conservation efforts in recent issue of Wildlife Professional

General resources on prairie-chickens and the
initiative, but see “Science to Solutions” series
WEstern Bird Biologist podcast
General info on lesser prairie-chickens and stories of hunting chukar and quail over small munsterlanders

Watch cool stuff
The Wildlife Society Highlights Lesser Prairie-Chicken
conservation efforts in recent issue of Wildlife Professional